RSVP at http://evite.me/TxwqH4ZMr6.
Costume Contest for adults (single and family or group) starts at the bewitching hour of 8 pm. Kids get a free broom fly by, and can scout for their loot, complimentary ZSWS.
The event is potluck style, please sign-up early to indicate what you will bring for better planning.
Tickets MUST be purchased in advance (you’d be boo’ed away for any sale at the community center)
Family: Member $10 / Non-member $30
Single: Members $5 / Non-member $15
Kindly RSVP by Oct 24
For tickets PayPal pfinance@zsws.org. (Make sure to select Friends and Family to avoid extra service change)
For ZSWS Announcements click here.
To renew your membership please visit About | Zoroastrian Society of Washington State (zsws.org)
Look forward to having a good time and making memories!
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